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Аннотация: Рассмотрены история, смысловое соотношение и вторичные значения слов модернизация, реставрация, осовременивание. Охарактеризовано соотношение терминов политическая лингвистика, политологическая лингвистика, лингвистическая политология
Ключевые слова: Политическая лингвистика, политологическая лингвистика, лингвистическая политология, модернизация, реставрация, осовременивание
Abstract: We focus on such words as modernizatsiya (modernization, updating, reconditioning, streamlining), restavratsya (restoration, renovation, refreshment, revitalization, reanimation), osovremenivaniye (refashioning) The aim of the article is to trace these words’ history of appearance and semantic change, semantic correlation and development of new meanings. We also define such terms as political linguistics, political science linguistics and linguistic political science and state their correlation
Key words: political linguistics, political science linguistics, linguistic political science, modernization, restoration, refashioning