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Abstract: This article tackles a challenging topic: how much
does Stalinist propaganda have in common with the
public discourse of the Third Reich, and in what respects do they diverge? At the surface, one certainly
finds striking parallels: in both codes, the general tendency to phraseological boundness results in semantically identical expressions reflecting common preference for extreme values, for semantic totality, dynamic
and militaristic metaphors, etc. But if we dive beneath
this surface, we will detect much more important and
deeply rooted ideological divergencies, all of which
are reflected in different linguistic strategies. To mention but the most salient ones among them: both systems are fascinated by modern technology, but at the
same time the Nazi regime propagates the return to
nature and agrarian society, which is completely alien
to Stalinism. In the same vein, in Nazi propaganda the
opposition „old vs. new‟ is by no means axiologically
unequivocal since the cult of the new society contrasted
sharply with the idealizing attitude towards the myths
of Germanic history, which produced a revival of archaic social terms; again, this had no counterpart in
Soviet Union, even if the rise of Soviet patriotism also
led to the reevaluation of Russia‟s feudalistic past and
engendered an archaizing “Soviet folklore” as the
most exotic flower of propaganda. The same contradictory attitude marked the Nazi attitude to science: on the
one hand, it served as the source of technological success, on the other hand, the Nazi propaganda praised
the role of instinct as the decisive force; again, this
kind of antiintellectualism was totally absent in Soviet
Union. And finally, the linguistic manifestation of the
mechanisms of terror (image of the enemy) and of the
cult of personality in both systems reveals a host of
essential divergencies which in the final account prevail on the seeming parallels