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Коммуникативные неудачи в речи политиков
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DOI: 10.26170/pl19-03-04
Аннотация: Предпринятое исследование посвящено проблеме эффективности деловой коммуникации, в
частности анализу факторов и рисков, ведущих к коммуникативным неудачам в политическом дискурсе. В работе
рассмотрены теоретические подходы к определению «коммуникативной неудачи», а также лингвистические и
экстралингвистические факторы, повлекшие ее за собой. Авторами были проанализированы публичные выступления политических деятелей, результатами которых стали недопонимание между оратором и его аудиторией,
негативная оценка профессиональной компетентности политика, снижение его общественного рейтинга среди
населения, а в некоторых случаях — конец политической карьеры. Были изучены комментарии пользователей к видео с выступлениями политиков, на основе чего сделан вывод о реакции населения на речевые неудачи говорящего.
По итогам проведенного анализа предложена классификация причин коммуникативных неудач, к которым можно
отнести неоправданное использование стилистически сниженной лексики, переход на фамильярно-разговорный
стиль общения, многословие, лексические и орфоэпические ошибки. Авторами отмечается, что использование стилистически сниженной лексики политиком может быть обусловлено желанием быть ближе к электорату и позитивно воспринимается целевой аудиторией только в том случае, если оратор имеет достаточную риторическую
Ключевые слова: коммуникативные неудачи; речевые ошибки; политические деятели; политические речи; риторическая компетентность; публичные выступления; политический дискурс
Abstract: The study is devoted to the problem of efficiency of business communication, and specifically, to the analysis of factors and risks leading to communicative failures in political discourse. The paper considers theoretical approaches
to the definition of a "communicative failure", as well as linguistic and extralinguistic factors that lead to it. The authors
have analyzed public speeches of politicians, which resulted in misunderstanding between the speaker and their audience,
negative assessment of professional competence of the politician and their public rating decrease among the population, and,
in some cases, the end of their political career. The comments of users to video speeches of politicians have been studied, on
the basis of which the conclusion about the reaction of the population to speech failures was made. On the basis of the results
of the given analysis, the authors suggest a classification of the causes of communicative failures which include the unjustified use of vocabulary of lower style, the switch to slangy style of communication, pleonasms, and lexical and orthoepic errors. The authors note that the use of vocabulary of lower style by a politician may be determined by the desire to be closer
to the people and is positively perceived by the target audience only if the speaker has sufficient rhetorical competenceThe study is devoted to the problem of efficiency of business communication, and specifically, to the analysis of factors and risks leading to communicative failures in political discourse. The paper considers theoretical approaches
to the definition of a "communicative failure", as well as linguistic and extralinguistic factors that lead to it. The authors
have analyzed public speeches of politicians, which resulted in misunderstanding between the speaker and their audience,
negative assessment of professional competence of the politician and their public rating decrease among the population, and,
in some cases, the end of their political career. The comments of users to video speeches of politicians have been studied, on
the basis of which the conclusion about the reaction of the population to speech failures was made. On the basis of the results
of the given analysis, the authors suggest a classification of the causes of communicative failures which include the unjustified use of vocabulary of lower style, the switch to slangy style of communication, pleonasms, and lexical and orthoepic errors. The authors note that the use of vocabulary of lower style by a politician may be determined by the desire to be closer
to the people and is positively perceived by the target audience only if the speaker has sufficient rhetorical competence
Key words: communicative failures; speech errors; politicians; political speeches; rhetorical competence; public
speeches; political discourse
Для цитирования:
Гуляева, Е. В. Коммуникативные неудачи в речи политиков / Е. В. Гуляева, М. В. Макарова, И. С. Никитина // Политическая лингвистика. – 2019. – №3. – С. 38-45. DOI 10.26170/pl19-03-04.
For citation
Gulyaeva, E. V. Communicative Failures in the Speech of Politicians / E. V. Gulyaeva, M. V. Makarova, L. S. Nikitina // Political Linguistics. – 2019. – №3. – P. 38-45. DOI 10.26170/pl19-03-04.